Here they are, coral facts: corals are fascinating marine organism that form very complex and large colonies. But corals (and most reef building animals) are actually animals, albeit ones with a very unusual symbiotic relationship with tiny algae, called zooxanthellae, that live inside their tissues. The corals are allowed to do photosynthesis by this relationship, turning ambient sunlight into energy. But corals are important because they provide a great deal of shelter and sustenance to many marine species. Coral reefs are some of the most biodiverse ecosystems on the Earth, and they are considered the building blocks of coral reefs.
A Colorful Addition
The button scoly is a very popular coral for people’s homes because of it’s colorful look.They are LPS (Large Polyp Stony) coral meaning they have larger polyps than other coral species. They are well known for the button look they have in forming their corals, it will make a very nice, unique looking coral in any tank. Scolys have many colors: red, green, purple, yellow, and all combinations in between make them standouts among reef tanks. They are like other corals, and need the proper water conditions, lighting and food to thrive.
Caring for Scoly
These are relatively but need special care in order to do well in any aquarium. They must be given proper water flow, lighting, and a proper diet. Feeding scolys is simple and they rely primarily on photosynthesis, supplemented with coral food, brine shrimp and plankton if you choose to feed them.
Understanding Their Needs
Before we can become successful reef keepers there is one thing we must first know: what are corals? And how do they work? C.C.