Vibrant, spectacularly colored fire shrimp make great additions to natural reefs, but are also desirable inhabitants in marine aquariums. Red and white, these swimming miniatures bring bright piercing eyes to the tanks they inhabit. Shrimps are crucial to keep the health of your aquarium by eating algae, organic waste and parasites. Scavenging helps them to clean their tank, or prevent debris accumulating, which would lead to water quality issues. They quickly help reduce needs for artificial filters by actively cleaning the tank.

 A Natural Habitat

Coral caverns are really an important hiding place for marine species in coral reefs. The corals exhibit such intricate growth that it forms these underwater caves, with which smaller fish and invertebrates find shelter. They act as a means to a balanced, biodiverse ecosystem, with coral able to grow without being molested and fish to have a refuge from predators. By simulating these natural caverns in your aquarium you create a better reef, able to enhance wellbeing of both corals and fish.

Enhancing the Reef Ecosystem

Having both shrimp and corals residing in a reef tank will make a wonderful underwater world. The shrimp help ‘clean’ the tank by removing debris and organic matter that might otherwise cause problems with the tankic ecosystem. Corals meanwhile provide refuge and protection for a diversity of species, meaning that your reef’s richness thrives. All of these elements work together to keep your aquarium health — providing both a clean and a protective environment for your reef inhabitants as a whole.

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