Explore Do clownfish eat coral reef?

Do clownfish eat coral reef? These beautifully orange sea creatures are one of the best-known species of all in the sea and closely associate themselves with sea anemones. The question, one often posed in the eagerness for a hobby or scientist involved with anything concerning the ocean: do clownfish eat coral reef​ ? Knowledge on […]

Guide to How to Find Coral at the Beach

How to Find Coral at the Beach? Indeed, nothing beats the excitement of combing along the beach shores for coral. For nature enthusiasts and beach lovers, knowing where and how to find coral along the beach makes the activity worthwhile for souvenir hunting and just appreciating its beauty in the natural form. You have the […]

Top 7 Reasons to Shop from Specialized Marine Life Store

Top 7 Reasons to Shop Good saltwater aquarium store or reputable coral shop may all depend on finding the right place that can help create a thriving marine aquarium. Specialty stores offer excellent selection and high-grade marine life, top-of-the-line corals, and expert advice in designing and maintaining a healthy underwater environment. They provide everything-from rare […]

7 Amazing Facts About Coral Fragments

7 Facts About Coral Marine aquariums have great coral fragments or frags. At the same time, they help coral protection and allow hobbyists to create self-sustaining underwater living solutions. These coral parts have seven interesting features.  1. Frags aid coral reproduction Coral fragment propagation, also known as “fragging,” is a common practice among aquarists that […]

Discover the 4 Types of Coral Reefs

What are 4 Types of Coral Reefs? Coral reefs are among the most biodiverse ecosystems on Earth. There are 4 types of coral reefs, each with distinct features that play crucial roles in marine environments. Have you ever wondered why are most coral a brownish green color? This is due to the symbiotic relationship between […]

Do Fish Blend in with Coral?

Blending in with the coral is a very interesting survival tactic for many species that live in the sea. So, do fish blend in with coral? Yes, they do! Marine life of great diversity is housed within coral reefs, and the symbiotic relationship between fish and coral provides protection and camouflage. Many species of fish […]

Is a Coral a Producer, Consumer, or Decomposer?

Corals are rather special marine invertebrates that serve many important functions in the ocean. Do you ever get to decide whether they are producers, consumers or decomposers. Here at Coral Cavern we are clear and provide guidance to your marine adventure. Come to our saltwater aquarium store to enrich your knowledge of the place where […]

Explore: Why Are Most Corals a Brownish Green Color?

Why Are Most Corals a Brownish Green Color? Coral is among the most impressive group of animals; they are colorful and beautiful. However, many people now ask why most corals seem to have greenish-brown color. In this article, we’ll explain this coloration and learn how to care for stunning corals at Coral Cavern. Find the […]

Explore About Corals

  Ever thought to yourself, what are corals and why are they so important to the oceans? Coral Cavern is here to help you understand more about these wonderful organisms found within the coral reef. Contrary to what most people believe corals are not plants but animals in the form of tiny animals called polyps […]